
I got a new Chapter up for My Confusing Mate! Whoop Whoop!


creepy thing is my names sammy maire. but sammy stands for


@Sammymarie  while I'm in New Zealand and your....


@PandaGirlRocks Aw  we share souls now man :D


@Sammymarie  we share same middle name. tehe


Hey guys. It's been a really really long time since i've updated on here. Buuut I have great news. I updated on The Vamp Life of Scarlett Castellon. I also have a new story about werewolves "My Confusing Mate" So check that out. I will be updating on The Enchanters very very soon. I had a terrible case of writers block but i'm good now. I will be updated more often now. So i'm back guys. I'll be uploading from now on just needed a little break but don't worry. I will finished my stories. Thank you guys. I love you(:


Hey guys so i updated on The Enchanters and i just wanted to let all of the few of you that actually read my story. I also have a new story i'm starting up and i pray that it will be good. Recommend to other people because i wanna feel like i'm actually doing this for a reason. Thanks to the few of you that actually read it. If you want me to read your stories then tell me and i'll most def check it out. Thanks bye.