
Literally woke up at 6 AM to watch the grammys just for beyonce to win? Ughhh
          	Also i started crying when they they showed the Liam video :( 
          	Also my exams are in 21 days and as guessed i haven’t prepared anything :)))


Hi guysss
          I’m really depressed again hehe so I wrote this poem a few weeks ago and wanted to share it somewhere where I wouldn’t be judged so I’m posting it here because I know yall wouldn’t judge !! 
                                           Will it ever stop hurting?
          It hurts. 
          When you talk about someone I don’t know it HURTS. 
          When they can talk to anyone easily while I’m sitting and being miserable knowing I will never be enough.
          It hurts. 
          The way you talk about the girls you find attractive and from whom you made a connection.
          It hurts. 
          When you don’t bother to talk to me and I’m left sitting alone in my misery overthinking. 
          It hurts. 
          When I realise I don’t have anyone who can just hold me and tell me it’s fine. 
          It hurts. 
          Pretending to be happy and laughing in class with everyone. 
          It hurts. 
          Thinking I have friends but not having anyone to talk to when I am in my darkest pit of anxiety. 
          It hurts. 
          Not being able to even have one good week of school. 
          It hurts. 
          Everyone having their number one’s and I’m left wondering if I will ever be the first choice. 
          It hurts. 
          Watching shitty rom coms and realising I would never have someone to laugh with. 
          It hurts. 
          Working my ass off but everyone still being ahead of me. 
          It hurts. 
          Not being able to express myself even after writing thousands of pages knowing they’re not good. 
          It hurts.
          Will it ever stop hurting? 


Hi guys
          So basically i am depressed again 
          No but like seriously i feel sad all the time again and it’s just so hard because all of my friends make me feel like a burden and I can never talk to them about everything yk and it just feels like I don’t have a true one bestfriend you know your ride or die kinda thing 
          I mean yeah I have my bsf but I don’t feel like we’re close yk because I just don’t trust anyone after so many bitchy and failed friendships 
          I just needed to vent so here I am but please tell me something depressing that happened with you because I want to feel like im not alone pls 


Omg thankyou so much for replying and yeah we’re not alone at all 


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I get it I’ve been the same way. I’m dealing with shit that my ex did and it’s honestly the worst cause it’s always on my mind which just makes my mental health so much worse 
            You’re not alone we’ll get through it 


I totally forgot to post a message here but can you believe it !??!!! Harry and Louis were in the same roooooommmmm since 2016 for the first time oh ma gosh!!! 
          Um anyways my sweet sixteen is coming soon so I’m super excited about that. Other than that do any of you have anything to share? Or you can also trauma dump I’m super helpful when it comes to those 
          Anyways take care! Love you guys


@Samshipsbullshit exactlyyyy it’s like I’ll open up but then I feel like a burden cause people r so tired of hearing it 


and so many people have already left me so it feels like i drive them away with my problems 


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it scares the living shit out of me


I have a story idea and have written about 3 chapters... Should I post it? Will you guys be willing to read it?? 
          It will be slow updates though 


@IfICouldFlyHome_7 stopp i forgot that existed 


Yesss post it !!! I’m sorry for taking so long to answer I just saw this now 


I would love to post it ❤❤ 