Hey! This is MysteriousCatLady! Im Sammykins' sister! Follow me too k?!

okay so Sam is 13, single and straight (no hate!).

Hes overly obsessed with Dr Who, Family Guy, Futurama and the Simpsons.

Likes One Direction, Guy Sebastion, Justin Beiber, These Kids Wear Crowns, Ed Sheran, Neyo, Chris Brown, Timomatic and Tio Cruz.

Plays guitar and sax. Singer/Songwriter

LOVES minecraft, MC3, Slenderman, Pewdiepie and Cry, Russle Howard and Dane Cook.

Likes purple and Murray off the wiggles. ESSENDON!!!

(he thinks he's cool with a Justin Beiber haircut -bleh!-

anyway! play nice and he'll lub u forweva!
  • Narnia-The Witches Bed
  • JoinedApril 24, 2013
