
RIGHT, so I've decided I'm just going to pump each of these out as their own separate piece instead of waiting and collecting them to publish all at once.
          	First up is this random thing called Billy. 
          	It's my first attempt at writing since everything, so be kind!
          	It is writing in rhyme form, and it is the interaction between two people.
          	I have no idea what it means, but just enjoy it!


RIGHT, so I've decided I'm just going to pump each of these out as their own separate piece instead of waiting and collecting them to publish all at once.
          First up is this random thing called Billy. 
          It's my first attempt at writing since everything, so be kind!
          It is writing in rhyme form, and it is the interaction between two people.
          I have no idea what it means, but just enjoy it!

          I'm baaaaackk!
          Yeah! That's right, your favorite Aspie writer has returned with the above theme song playing as I make my way down to the writing wrestling ring and is ready to lay THE SMACKDOWN to some more stories!
          This time it's for real!!!!
          I'm going to be beginning a work, a collection, and it's going to be a return to the craziness of previous writing sprints!
          Some poems maybe, and certainly some stories!
          So strap yourselves in because HERE, WE, GO!


Hello Void, 
          It is i.
          I have returned...for now.
          But how long will now be?
          Well, we shall just have to see!
          Hey y'all, no i am not dead, but i did go through the ringer this past year. Yes it has been more than a year since i posted, but alas, i am still alive. 
          A lot can happen in a year, and let me tell you, i have lived it.
          I feel like a different person now then i was when i wrote my last announcement. 
          I hit a massive writer's block, then massive life changes, i've come face to face with things that never seemed possible when i wrote that last post in May of 2021.So hopefully i will be writing and uploading more content soon, (not sure if i am just writing this to myself or you loyal 68, of which i do not know how many are still active). 
          So, while i haven't written in more than a year, i have experienced new things which have caused me to look at things from a different perspective. And now it's just a matter of pulling myself up by my bootstraps and sitting down on the typewriter or keyboard and starting again. 
          While i feel like i've lost that touch of magic that i used to have, i will try and fight through it and write some more stuff for those of you who actually have read some of my stuff. 
          Unfortunately i cannot promise that what i produce will be like my old stuff, but i can promise you this, without writing i do not feel like myself (as to who the "myself" is, well, HA that's a question to be answered another time).
          So with that i will leave you with this song that will, hopefully, be a reflection of what is happening to me now. And what is to come.
          "Coming back to Life" By Pink Floyd



Ignis: IV -by Jon Opstad 

          So folks, i am, once again, back on the wagon of writing! (hee hee, i make joke!)
          I've recently been re-reading Stephen King's 7 book Magnum Opus series "The Dark Tower" and, whilst re-reading the introductions i began to find that my own feelings towards, what i'm thinking is my own (potentially) Magnum Opus "The Fairy Tale of Margret Grain" (of course, perhaps there will be others far greater to come in it's wake, but as of right now, it feels like my own Dark Tower). Being inspired by King's words in one of the introductions, i've decided that i am going to be pushing on ahead in Margret Grain's story, once more. 
          I apologize for the delays in it's continuation, life has been quite the trip lately, and it, no doubt, will continue to be, but, i've got the feelin back a little. And, having read King's words of not knowing and people insisting upon it's completion after the first book's completion, (despite not hearing a peep from anyone on here) i have decided to push on ahead, inspire of the fact that there are things hindering me. 
          So, LOOK OUT! Margret Grain's Tale CONTINUES!! 


"The Lonely Night"-By Moby

          I've written a thing or two offline that i've thought about perhaps uploading to here recently, but i'm not sure. I also recently read some of the more darker regions on here that, after re-reading through it with them, i realized how terribly written they were, and un-intriguing they were. 
          So, i may be removing a thing or two or editing some stuff that isn't up to par on here. Though, as a writer, as i am sure that a lot of you writers that follow me are well aware of, editing your work is the TOUGHEST thing to do because, well, if you are like me then editing your work is like unthreading a knitted piece of cloth, it unwinds and becomes EVEN MORE of a mess. 
          So, i may or may not do that as well. All i know is, that, my crazy butt needs some type of management/manager to help me make some decisions with my work, otherwise i am just a loose cannon writing everything and publishing without any caution or advisement. 
          I don't know what is to come in the future (As is always the case, isn't it?) but, all i can hope for are good things! 
          (Also, btw, check out the video link above, the music video is really cool and song is soothing, but sad.)
          Will keep you all up to date on what's be going down.
          Until next time, stay creative my friends!


"Touch of Grey"-Grateful Dead 

          The writer's block has been tough, but i believe i am beginning to see some rays of sunshine ahead. Though i may feel like i've aged a great deal in the interim since it began, i believe that i see the light at the end of this tunnel. 
          I've just begun writing a story recently with the help of a friend's suggestion and it is going alright, sure i've got to work out some rust off the ol wheels of creative churning, but i believe i may be back. Though, it's too early to see. 
          I've come across a good number of ideas and collections put together in my many drafts on here, so i may begin to post some of those in the interim. 
          As before, still true now, i am STILL accepting submissions to the "Stories I've written FOR YOU!" 
          Hope to update you all soon!


"Skinny Love"-Covered by Birdy

          Submissions for"Stories i've written for YOU"  is still open to receiving more, so please, if you want to comment below-(For more info, see previous posts).
          On another note: During this time of dead air/writer's block i've gotten to thinking about things. Thinking about writing and some of the other hobbies i do as well, though i've been doing them, lately it doesn't feel the same as it used to, sure i am older now than i was before-but, shouldn't that mean i'd know more and appreciate these hobbies all the same, if not more? One would think so, but in this weird head space i find myself in these days, i find it hard to connect with these things.
          "Losing My Religion"-by R.E.M.
          But, this is a website for writing, NOT my diary/journal (though lately, i feel like every time i write anything it ends up being about that).-That really shouldn't be in parenthesis though because it's what i want to discuss here.
          Thinking lots about art and what it is, it's purpose too.
          Having completed the month long challenge, i found that more often than not all i ended up writing was straight up diary entries, and i wondered, "In the event of my (early) demise, who would gain entertainment out of reading these? Other than those who hated me?" And it is this that got me to thinking, what makes Art/Writings good/worth reading about, and what makes it not?
          And, while it's been right in my face this whole time, i've found that in past years i've neglected it, but, people like to read about what they can relate to. Art is one thing that relates/connects to many. 
          So now, as i continue to struggle through this dark and menacing block,  i think about what i can write that relates to many, and not just me. Think about others, and not just me. 
          But, this is just the trick isn't it? It is so hard to step outside of ourselves because we are what experiences our world. It's not self criticizing, but opening up and looking outward.


          Yeah, i'm talkin to youuu, whoever YOU are reading this! Do you wanna do something? I hope you do because i've got JUST the thing for ya! 
          Come participate in this "Storeis I've written FOR YOU!" thing i am doing! 
          This is how it works!
          I am asking y'all (anyone who sees this) to give me wild, weird, or random ideas for stories or things they'd like to see in a story. And, i will write a story that includes any, and perhaps, all of what you've suggested. And, as a thank you for participating, I will also tag you with credit for the original idea inspiration at the top of your section!
          Some examples from the past include:
          "A girl exploring a planet called 'Mou Z'and finding aliens who eat humans"
          "A cucumber who can only walk upside down. A Skinny potato who sings sad songs. A dragonfruit that is scared of everyone. and a polar bear who likes to boogie."
          "A Good old fashioned shape shifting alien stole from a families twins, and took it's place, and nobody finds out until years later, like during puberty or something."
          Yes, i am asking you to participate and gimme something wild and random, and i'll write a story for you and the world to see! 
          For this next collection, i(am thinking about) will be creating a new collection.
          Just comment on this post and we'll go from there! 
          :D I am VERY excited to see what y'all give me!


@SamtheAspiewriter well, I HAD one, but by the time I on the computer, logged in, and to your page, I'd forgotten what it was. It didn't feel like right to come here and not leave *something*.


@LigerCat hmm, idk, but it's not YOUR idea though, hmm, idk how i feel about it.


"Keep Yourself Alive!"-by Queen

          Thought occurred to me, and so i thought i'd throw it out there! There's a good number of you who came across me because of my "Stories I've Written For YOU!" Stories, and while the forums are no more, that doesn't mean that the next round can't happen! 
          I also think that this might be a really fantastic way to get myself back on the wagon and "Keep myself Alive!" 
          For those of you unfamiliar with it, this is how it works:
          I am asking y'all (anyone who sees this) to give me wild, weird, or random ideas for stories or things they'd like to see in a story. And, i will write a story that includes any, and perhaps, all of what you've suggested. And, as a thank you for participating, I will also tag you with credit for the original idea inspiration!
          Some examples from the past include:
          "A girl exploring a planet called 'Mou Z'and finding aliens who eat humans"
          "A cucumber who can only walk upside down. A Skinny potato who sings sad songs. A dragonfruit that is scared of everyone. and a polar bear who likes to boogie."
          "A Good old fashioned shape shifting alien stole from a families twins, and took it's place, and nobody finds out until years later, like during puberty or something."
          Yes, i am asking you to participate and gimme something wild and random, and i'll write a story for you and the world to see! 
          For this next collection, i(am thinking about) will be creating a new collection.
          Just comment on this post and we'll go from there! 
          :D I am very excited to see what y'all give me!


@SamtheAspiewriter No problem Sam! I'm interested in seeing what you'll make :D


@noirsilkx Thank you so much love! :)))) You are beautiful! I am really looking forward to this! :)


@SamtheAspiewriter  Omg, Queen!!
            Here's my prompt: An elixir that changes every nihilistic or depressing philosophical thought into one of sunshine and positivity.


"I was just a broken head
          I stole the world that others plundered
          Now I stumble through the garbage
          Slide and tumble, slide and stumble."-Brian Eno
          "Broken Head"-Brian Eno

          My mind has been going a lot lately, but i haven't really tried to put pen to paper (or, for the more advanced and tech savvy of you out there-haven't put fingers to buttons), so, i think i'll just go and do that.
          Relistening to this song again has made me think about my recent writer's block, and my depression in and surrounding it and other things. I've had this thought before, but, maybe now i can actually make myself implement it!?
          Just write whatever the heck goes through my mind, whether it makes sense/is good or not. 
          Because, "I am just a broken head" and now all i seem to do is "now i stumble through the garbage, slide and tumble" 
          I don't know how long this will go on for (if it will ever end...)well, shoot, now i'm having seconds thoughts about doing this! What if i completely wipe myself out permanently if i push myself too hard?
          Damn, well, i wouldn't want to do that! Hmm, i am torn, but, for now, i suppose, i'll do it. Don't know HOW good this stuff will be, but, i'll be posting it all in the "Writing Sprints" collection. And, of course, if something comes up that i think would fit under the COVID poetry collection, i will indeed add there.
          Until i reach out again, Keep the Writing Spirit y'all!!


@SamtheAspiewriter imo it won't ever end, a burnout isn't permanent. Change is the only constant. Just keep writing! Write for your own pleasure, it doesn't matter if its good or not for anyone else, except you. If you feel your work is good n you are satisfied then there's nothing greater to want from writing :)