
Hey guys, another news.
          	So i was....sick, lets stick to that.
          	Was in a hospital for some time too which resulted in me not being able to go to work obviously, however that was also bad, as i said....long time ago i basically worked on 2 of the 4 shifts we have there.
          	So in my absence not only my original shift almost collapsed without me, so did one another, ofc guess who got blamed for it despite being unable to work. :)
          	Anyways, i am back at work at the moment (on a 12 hours night shift currently wooo!) and i want to (slowly) ease back into writting. The pauses between updates WILL be long and i'm sorry for that but i do want to get back into writting, so wish me luck.


@ tatypkazwattu  Legit nemusíš psát anglicky ale děkuji  tvoje odpověď na mou rok starou zprávu jsem minul omlouvám se, ale jsem rád že můj vzor odpověděl děkuj za přání a to samé přeji tobě!
          	  Děkuji za vše co jsi pro mě na tvých začátcích udělal legit jen to že jsi mi dala shout outs mi dělalo den!
          	  For anyone reading this, this Author right there is one of the two reasons i started writting even if i write in english rather than my born language, i think she stopped but good old times on Wattpad back in...what was it ? 2019 i actually don't remember .
          	  For you and anyone else reading this, i'm mostly fine my work is still in more or less in the same state as it was but i'm slowly trying, i promise.
          	  Thank you all for everything.


this message may be offensive
@ Samuel_Wesker1  
          	  Damn, I know I'm very late, but I really hope you are doing better. Decided to check out your profile because i noticed your response (after almost a year as well xd) and i'm really sad to see it's been difficult. I pray everything's better for you now, in regards to both your health and work. Hopefully in the time between your post and my response the mentioned stuff worked out fine, it's fucked up you got blamed for all that tho. :// 
          	  Just wanted to say i appreciate your response to my little essay from 2023 lol (cuz i honestly don't know if the replies on my page made it through, idk how wattpad works anymore). I don't know if you're still active here, but i thought i'd leave a response here just in case :D Take care!!


Hey guys, another news.
          So i was....sick, lets stick to that.
          Was in a hospital for some time too which resulted in me not being able to go to work obviously, however that was also bad, as i said....long time ago i basically worked on 2 of the 4 shifts we have there.
          So in my absence not only my original shift almost collapsed without me, so did one another, ofc guess who got blamed for it despite being unable to work. :)
          Anyways, i am back at work at the moment (on a 12 hours night shift currently wooo!) and i want to (slowly) ease back into writting. The pauses between updates WILL be long and i'm sorry for that but i do want to get back into writting, so wish me luck.


@ tatypkazwattu  Legit nemusíš psát anglicky ale děkuji  tvoje odpověď na mou rok starou zprávu jsem minul omlouvám se, ale jsem rád že můj vzor odpověděl děkuj za přání a to samé přeji tobě!
            Děkuji za vše co jsi pro mě na tvých začátcích udělal legit jen to že jsi mi dala shout outs mi dělalo den!
            For anyone reading this, this Author right there is one of the two reasons i started writting even if i write in english rather than my born language, i think she stopped but good old times on Wattpad back in...what was it ? 2019 i actually don't remember .
            For you and anyone else reading this, i'm mostly fine my work is still in more or less in the same state as it was but i'm slowly trying, i promise.
            Thank you all for everything.


this message may be offensive
@ Samuel_Wesker1  
            Damn, I know I'm very late, but I really hope you are doing better. Decided to check out your profile because i noticed your response (after almost a year as well xd) and i'm really sad to see it's been difficult. I pray everything's better for you now, in regards to both your health and work. Hopefully in the time between your post and my response the mentioned stuff worked out fine, it's fucked up you got blamed for all that tho. :// 
            Just wanted to say i appreciate your response to my little essay from 2023 lol (cuz i honestly don't know if the replies on my page made it through, idk how wattpad works anymore). I don't know if you're still active here, but i thought i'd leave a response here just in case :D Take care!!


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone, i have sort of bad news.
          You may have noticed my absence and i have to tell you, there is...sort of a emergency at my work place, we're understaffed. And i don't mean "We'll somehow make it" understaffed but "Holy fuck we don't even have enough people to work", understaffed.
          For the last few months, i have been working so many overtimes that i basically go on two shifts a day (we have a four shift cycle here, Morning - Afternoon - Night - Free days) and honestly when i get home i'm so fucking exhausted that i go, "I'll eat and take a short nap" after said short nap, i wake up and notice that i have to go to work again.
          I mean, atleast my payments are almost a double now (makes sense since i basically work two shifts ) so i can be sure i'm not short of money but i just need a break, this is not me leaving this profile, i like writting and it sometimes helps me relax, i just don't have much time. So before we manage to hire staff to helps us fill our places here, i'm afraid you're gonna have to make it with a chapter per months or maybe not a single chapter for several months.
          I still try to write in the background but its really slow.
          I will from now on, however to try to be online at my Discord server to let you guys know i'm not dead 
          ( )
          Sorry everybody, and see you when i have the time.


My current power levels of my characters at their full power:
          5th-Deku Syphus (Deku Syphus)
          4th-Tanjro Kamado (The brute slayer)
          3rd-Homelander Deku
          2nd-404!Izuku(My error Academia 404) & "Willsei" Afton (Didn't i tell you? I always come back!)
          1st-Willliam Afton & Henry Emily (Lets save the world, old friend)


@ RisersEnd  In our languange Cassidy is a girl name, so i always thought of them as a girl and honestly now its just hard for me to write them as something different, so Cass is a girl in my stories.


Fr I can’t wait for when the crying children meet them. Imao especially Cassidy and they vengeance ass also what gender will you go for Cassidy?


I think i'm in my Afton family phase again, because the only ideas i'm getting lately are only about didn't i tell you? I Always come back! story and i have an idea about another fnaf story which in half a day progressed more then my other fics in yea, sorry if you're here and don't like fnaf/the Aftons.


@ RisersEnd  Well then please stay tuned for the next few minutes :) 


Nah I’m actually quite interested in your fnaf story’s please do continue them 