I’m honestly so tired of the constant stream of thoughts in my head, always wanting things to go my way. But, at the end of the day, nothing ever seems to work out the way I hoped. Still, I try to tell myself it’s okay—that this is just how life works. No one ever said life was going to be easy, right?
I keep trying to feel better, but it seems like nothing ever really helps. Maybe this is just how my life is meant to be. Everyone around me somehow figures it out. They eventually get everything they’ve ever dreamed of, and here I am—lost and broken.
All I’ve ever wanted is freedom, to be that badass girl who knows how to navigate life. Instead, I just keep feeling stuck. I’m so tired, and I don’t know what to do anymore or even how to feel.
When it comes to friendships or finding love, it’s the same story—just hard luck, over and over. With my career, I feel completely lost. It’s not that I don’t believe in positivity; I do. But, God, sometimes it just doesn’t feel like enough anymore.