
I'm back after few years ahah, maybe I will write a new story someday, who knows.
          	Thank you for all your kind words about the Reylo fanfiction, it means a lot to me ☺️


Hello! I love ur book sooooooo much please more chapters :DD


ooooo! Yay!!


@xdark_sinsx don't worry the new chapter will be up in few days


Happy 2017 guys! Geez, time flies so fast. Our beautiful planet just made another rotation around the small star. :)
          I wish you happiness, love, success and all your wishes to come true in the new year! 
          Much love,
          SandGold <33333


I know I have not been active for some time guys,and I am truly sorry for that. The good news is that I'm back and ready to write again.
          I need your opinion about something. Do you want another Reylo story or an original one?


Watching all those Star Wars theories about part 8, I can't help but think that there is a real possibility that Reylo will happen. The point is, there is a scene with Rey and Ben having a conversation that Luke doesn't like. I just hope that it will lead to Reylo!  


We can only hope!