
@gaara989 Hey, it's going well, how're you doing? :)
          	I'm sorry I've basically disappeared from the planet for a long time. v.v"


@gaara989 I'm tryingggg!!! Oh god am I trying! I just switched schools, and my uncle's having serious medical issues and my teachers hate me enough to assign a crap-load of hw, so I SWEAR I'm trying to get the next chapter written ASAP!!! Have I told you recently how kick-ass awesome you are for still wanting to read this story? 'Cause you are!


@gaara989 Why thanks! I Really appreciate you telling others about my 'book'! ;) Grasias! 
          Haha, yes, yes I have. It's hilarious. Why? *humming* "Old godzilla, hoppin' around, Tokyo city like a big playground..." xD  A Friend of mine did the whole song for a talent show once and it was cool!


@gaara989 I Am SOOOOOOOOO sorry!! I Really am a horrible writer/updater person! Especially when you're like my best fan/reader ever! I Swear the next chapter is coming soon! I've already got it written out and it's long, I'm just trying to get it on my computer since it's in a notebook. I Promise to get it out ASAP! I Do have state testing this week though so it might be either this weekend or early next week! Thank you for encouraging me to keep writing and get it out sooner! (: <3
          You're getting another chapter dedication and shout-out for the help! ^_^


@gaara989 Hey! *waving like the lunitic I am* Nice to meetcha! I'm always happy to meet another anime freak! (POWER TO THE NERDS! lol)
          I'm super glad you like my story! I actually just got back into writing a few weeks ago, school has been killer and I haven't been motivated at all, so there are 2 new chapters waiting to be dished out! I'm gonna update ASAP! =3
          Thanks for reading!! 


Guess whose the bestest person in the whole wide world right now? Yes, it's you! You totally deserve a big round of applause! *Claps like a loon*
          Just dropping by to say thank you for becoming my fan! Oh yesssh, here comes another round of psychotic clapping made just for YOU!!! Muhaha ^^
          Yours Truly, 
          RAVEN! <3 


Hey there, Xaris, I know these are annoying but can you pretty please with a batty on top read either of my stories "On The Brink" or "Love The Job. Hate The Client!"? I promise to you, they're not that long. Please comment, vote, and maybe fan? O.o 
          So you deserve a big icecream sundae with sprinkles and gummi bears on top for listening to me! :D
          Thanks! Raven <3
          P.S. You have an awesome taste in music! And your background is amazing to have been drawn from an iPhone! Amazing! 
          P.P.S. You sound like a totally awesome person! ^^