
@KarenHoodGreen You just made my weekend. I wrote/posted for years on FanFiction- big fan of free art. Best paycheque I've ever received was a note from a reader. Reading for free-writing for free is my passion as well. I promise a lot more to come on wattpad. Thanks so much for the support. Have a great weekend. Sandra


I just finished Northman's bride and oh hontee I must say, your talent can be nothing but God crafted and touched specifically for you. Please please never stop writing. Your beyond blessed honey  I laughed and was so furious I wanted to hurt some one. It is rear to be able to draw a person into a fantasy the way you did so effortlessly. The characters jumped right off the page and now live i n my heart forever for that I thank-you for sharing your genius with the world. Never stop. And thank-you so much you've got a fan for life