Hey all,
Chapter 29 is published earlier than usual because I’m heading into a no-WiFi zone for a few days lol! Hope you enjoy and the next chapter (30) will be published Fri 9th August on my normal posting schedule :)
To be a friend, is something special and is quite difficult to explain. The love between two friends is unlike any other and should be treasured. A friendship works both ways and is full of support, care and laughs through the good times and the bad times.
We are always reminded to tell our significant others and our family members that we love them, but what of our friends?
Make sure to remind your friends of how much you love them. A simple ‘I love you’ can go a long way.
Oc/Biffy @biffyclyro82 ❤️ #lovedaymovement@majesticincawards
Chapter 10 of Guys Like Him is published! Emmy arrives at the British boarding school and finds out what a cuppa is lol!! She also meets a mystery man at her door...