
Hello everyone! This is to announce a change of title from Pride or Prejudice to Presumptions and Preconceptions!


Hello everyone! After a short break, I've published the third chapter of The Unfavored Mage. As you would have noticed, this chapter is written in the third person POV, and seems to be the begining of the story. For some reason, I felt like the first two chapters weren't working very well...and decided to begin again. I would like your opinion on this - should I go on with the earlier style of writing, or continue with the new one? Please help!


Hello! Thank you for being so patient with me while I was on my break. As most of you may have seen, I've started a new story called Pride or Prejudice. This does not mean I've abandoned The Unfavored Mage. The form it is in currently is not working very well, and it's going to get a rewrite, so until then, I'll be updating my new book instead. Happy reading!


Hello there everyone! Hope you've been enjoying the holiday season. I've edited the first chapter of The Unfavoured Mage, and started on the next one. You may expect it soon. Please forgive me for the delay, it's been a while since I visited home. Updates will definitely be more regular in the new year! See you soon :D


Hey guys! So I know I haven't finished The Legend of Arianna yet, the ending remains unfinished. I'm letting it rest for a while, and getting to each chapter slowly. Today, however, I felt called to write the first chapter of a story that has been brewing for quite some time in  my mind. Unlike my usual stories - this one isn't fantasy - and it might seem rather weird to those who are used to the clear writing style I usually adopt. This one is written using the stream of consciousness technique, and is titled Alice: Down the Rabbit Hole.  I hope you enjoy it. Don't worry! I will not be abandoning Arianna, when her story is building up towards the final conflict :D