Hello peeps! I have realised that lately, I have been getting quite a lot of votes. So that is good. Every time I see a vote I feel proud and happy because you like my work. I am also going to say sorry if anyone thought it was rude that I asked them to follow me. I did not mean it in a rude way, and I am deeply sorry if I did upset anyone. I only wanted to have more followers to be honest! Then at least I might get my book recognised a bit more, which is all I want. Also, if I do come across as the kind of person who self advertises, then I am sorry. I am not self advertising when I describe myself as a joke. When I say that I'm clever and stuff, I just mean it as joke, and I am sorry, of you guys thought it was unacceptable. I am knew here however, and I have to learn from my mistakes. Many thanks to my loyal followers, and I hope that my mistakes don't make you change your mind about me. Thanks!