
New update and chapter coming for The Hybrid either today or tomorrow night! Hope everyone is enjoying the week. I know finals/school/work is tough but I know you guys can make it through!


... I have problems. I have acknowledged this as I have posted a new story for Villainous.
          Although, I hope everyone likes the intro chapter. There's not much Black Hat in it yet... There will be in the next chapter.
          I'll work on Invader Zim sometime this week as I'm done with finals and such. :)


Hey everyone!
          Hope everyone is enjoying the October month! I know midterms are coming up soon but, I know we'll make it.
          I'm currently doing some heavy editing to The Noble and the Orphan. I hope it will help with some details and making sure that it adds some adventure  and some proper character development to the story as a whole.
          With my other stories, I'm working on them as well but at a snails pace. Packing and going through clothes as well as other things that can or can't be taken to Japan is quite the task. Hope you guys enjoy what I have posted thus far and enjoy spoopy time!


Hey everyone! Been a long time... I feel like I post things when I'm having life changing events...
          So, fun news as I had said in my bio, I got married and I'll be moving to Japan. My husband is in the military so... Going where ever he goes.
          But, this means I'm having a little more free time between my classes since I'll be leaving Starbucks and starting my next chapter in my life. :)
          As for those that are following my stories, I'm going to be going through some heavy editing for both:
          The Replacement
          The Noble and the Orphan
          As for updates, working on "The Hybrid" when I have free time to look at it, might edit a few things here and there.


Hey! I hope everyone is safe. I’ve been working throughout all of this craziness, which hasn’t given me a lot of time to write. However, I am not giving up any of my stories and I’m still working on the Invader Zim story. With everyone commenting and voting, it’s given me motivation to write as well! I’ll post soon!


Alright! So, at the moment...
          I'm working on the next chapter of, "The Hybrid" and I've gotten a lot of positive comments and views on that story on both here and AOV3.
          I wanted to tell you all thank you for the +9.2K views and 297 votes on this story that has been up for ages. I hope everyone is okay the story thus far.
          I had a small question though... when I'm done with the story, did you guys want me to work on re-writing a few things so the writing style change  (and whatever edits I need to take care of) are settled and not odd. Or leave it as it is? Let me know!
          Happy (super late) New Year guys!


You should write a GrillbyxReader fic!


@Sanjworld whaaaaaaaaaat, whyyy?


@Jambhala it's so weird with you reading my stuff next to me... >.>


Hello everyone!
          So, its been a hot minute since I've posted into my stories or anything for that matter. And sadly, the only reason as why I haven't been able to post or write anything was because life got in the way. Many different things happened through out this year... My best friend got married, I got commissioned to make plushies for a convention, my family bought a house to renovate and rent out (Most of my time has been spent renovating), and I'm planning on joining the Air Force. So, I have almost little to no time to sit down and write anything, until now at least.
          So, as of right now, that all changes. I'm hunkering down and writing as much as I can before I get sent to basic. So, that means between my ASVAB studies, Work and my work outs (to get in shape for basic and tech school), I'll be posting as much as I can before I leave.
          As for what I'll be writing, this is all up to you. I want everyone that follows me and all the stories I have and tell me, either message me or even comment here what you want me to keep updating the most. I'll keep my focus there until it's done.
          As for reaching this part of the post, Mahalo for taking the time.


@Sanjworld Heck yeah! I watched it a couple days ago, so much nostalgia I grew up with that show. :3


@Spookified What?! That sounds awesome already... Now I have to re-watch everything :D


@Sanjworld You don’t have to do both I’m good with either. c:
            Also have you heard that Invader Zim has a movie on Netflix?! 


Hey everyone!
          As most of you know, there is a hurricane coming to Hawaii and it's much more intense than expected. It's a Category 4 and Some of us might lose power over the next few weeks.
          As for the move I am doing, my family and I have moved at a quicker pace than expected and brought most of our things to the new place. we have water and other supplies to help us last for the next few days, maybe weeks. The new house is away from the water and on higher ground so I think we're safe from flooding. For those who are in Hawaii, be safe out there. I hope that everything turns out for the best to everyone effected by Hurricane Lane.


As an added point, this makes my updates a little less but that doesn't mean I'm not writing, I'm still working on the stories I have between work and school.