
Hello Fellow Readers! 
          	So I am officially back. I actually never stopped writing, I would use Google docs to write whenever I could but life was just too all consuming to dedicate time to consistently update. My first project is to rework/edit "My Best Friend's Brother." If you see now I have replaced it with a new title. I started this story in 2015 (wow!) and I always planed to finish it. I just want to say thank you to everyone who is still hear and reading my works. I'm excited to continue my writing journey now that I have a more stable life! 
          	Happy Reading, My lovelies 


Hello Fellow Readers! 
          So I am officially back. I actually never stopped writing, I would use Google docs to write whenever I could but life was just too all consuming to dedicate time to consistently update. My first project is to rework/edit "My Best Friend's Brother." If you see now I have replaced it with a new title. I started this story in 2015 (wow!) and I always planed to finish it. I just want to say thank you to everyone who is still hear and reading my works. I'm excited to continue my writing journey now that I have a more stable life! 
          Happy Reading, My lovelies 