
Update on the story writing.
          	Currently, I have hit a bit of a stone wall at the moment with the three I scheduled so I will be taking a break from them and focusing on other sites for a bit. See you all when the next update comes out.


Currently I am burnt out, but I will be back in action this Monday with this revised Update schedule that will be fallowed strictly.
          Monday - Devil May Cry: Devil of UA
          Thursday - The White Wolf of Vale
          Friday - Halo Sapphire
          Sunday - Free Write
          So, sorry to those who hoped for a new chapter of Halo Sapphire this week, but you will get one in the near future, I promise. Till then, goodbye everyone.


Just wondering but will there be a multiverse viewing thing with the RWBY characters in the future or no?
          And ever thought of doing a Gears of War story with RWBY?


@Sanshands Fair enough and no prob
            K and no worries


            1) yeah I want to do that one day....but, don't expect it anytime soon, k?
            2) honestly, not that interested in making that story....and besides, I have enough stories as is.


Hey ever seen the old show chaotic?


@DakotaPethybridge Indeed and I heard that the maker of it is planning to bring it back in the near future, not sure when but its coming


@DeathWolf06 yah I've seen it is a show from the early late 2006 I really like that show along side bakugan