Hm... I suppose I have to explain myself…
I apologize deeply for my sudden and surprising abscence and return to this account. I seem to have failed to explain myself.
To those that were still here during my dark days, you guys should know that I was a pretty wild person. I spat out my opinion like it was nothing, and acted so childish that I cringe about it even to this day.
My old "fite me!!11" type comments recieved a lot of backlash. I regret ever typing it down.
During that time wherein I left my account, things were getting tense. People fought me left and right, all for almost nothing. Some of the people I admired the most told me that I was too opinionated for my own good, and that I had to soften up a little.
At that time, I thought that it was too late for me to fix my mistakes. I thought that I could never redeem myself and my sharp tongue ever again.
So I left this account.
Was it cowardly? Yes, but this act of fear set me free. Free to settle my disputes. Free to leave the Undertale fandom and pursue other wonderful things. Free from the guilt that I had in my old days.
At first, I felt a bit sad. All my time and energy spent on making rhis account grow was wasted due to my lack of morality. I worked hard to earn my 200+ followers, and they were all gone in a flash. Boom! Nothing.
However much it was hard for me to move on, a fresh start was what I needed.
So yeah, that's why I left.