
THE WORLD IS JUST PAYING TO SEE ME SUFFER ISNT IT? Anyways, I'm so sorry I'm being a lazy ass ;-; I'm just not very motivated right now. Ugh. I'll write eventually, I promise! -_-


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Guess who's sick????????
          Me. Yay. Tortureeeee!!!!!!!
          Omfg God guys I apologize for being a (excuse my language) ASSSSSHHHHOOOOOLLLLLEEEEE! I just can write when 1. I'm sick  2.SCHOOL  and 3.Im a lazy fucking dingus.
          So again I am SOOOO SOOOORRRRYYYY!!!! And I'll try to write today, tomorrow, or Monday.
          Thank you guys so much for being patient!!! 
          Stay beautiful mah badger fraaaannnnddddsss! (I forgot the outro oh god. XD)


Hey guys!!!! >u<
          I know I don't post a lot anymore (or ever XD) but I just wanted to say thank you guys for being so patient with me! I'm trying to come up with a few plots so it's kinda hard to write right now... On top of that I'm really busy right now.  Anyways, again thank you my little Starletts! Baiiii!


Hello my fellow Starlets! I recently was wondering what a writers block was... When I think I got it. It won't let me write anymore so I won't be able to write! I'm guessing that it'll give me enough time to find a laptop to type on! So thanks for being Patient with me! Bai my little Starlets!