@SantosPhillipCarlo Cloud9 in the second round absolutely obliterated Faze! Skadoodle's clutch at the 4th round does not need any explanation! We can only imagine how nervous and scared he was in the clutch, man I would've dropped the mic if I had one at hand! I don't even have to bring up the 5th round at all, Cloud9 leads 4-1 at the end of the 5th! Now this is where they start the losing streak, which had me scared of course! I had hope though, auto tried to clutch the 11th round but was no good; and so the losing streak continues. Cloud9 ends their losing streak finally at the end of the 14th round with Skadoodle clutching and ending with an amazing collateral kill! Sadly their winning streak died out once more, Cloud9 did however destory Faze in the 22nd round with only one man dead. 24th round was a blast with a 5v1 at the end! Definitely just an amazing game with Cloud9 turning the tables around at the 30th round with adrenaline ending the game with a tie; they went into overtime twice which was a daze! Winning 4/6 games of the second overtime, winning the championship
Maybe I can get a job with this lmao, just amazing it must be an honor; not it is an honor to be the first team and first North American team to ever win a CSGO Major. Forgive me I basically wrote a book in this comment XD