
long story short, i dont have my phone right now so i am using my computer but it is slow as freaking molasses  so updates will and editing will take a while, sorry to all of you who have waited... ill try my best to get a new phone soon!!!!


long story short, i dont have my phone right now so i am using my computer but it is slow as freaking molasses  so updates will and editing will take a while, sorry to all of you who have waited... ill try my best to get a new phone soon!!!!


I completely changed the prologue of my werewolf story so it will fill in some plot holes later on in the story. I will be finishing editing the story this weekend and post a new chapter to make up for it since its been almost a year since I have touched this book. I hope you are Patient with me as I am still a highschool student taking higher level classes and extremely involved with music and hunting. I will update both stories as quick as I can and as often as possible, hopefully I will be on a schedule.... I was thinking posting a chapter every Friday for both books and sometimes Monday depending on my schedule over the weekend. And with this final note, a bid u A good night.


Sooooo.... I've noticed that my book "The Unknown Mate of an Alpha" has gotten more reads so I decided to reread that.... yeah I have some major plot holes and its only the beginning of the story. Originally I was going to discontinue it but seeing as the readings have gone up, I've decided to edit it yet again and make the story better and make sure it makes sense this time. Since I am now taking College level courses for history and English, my writing should improve and so should my grammar. I hope that one I finish editing it, y'all will reread it and yell me if it sounds better for I could always use constructive criticism!!! I hope I meet your expectations and I hope you have a lovely night!!!!


Chapter 9 is finally out! Yeah! I am sincerely sorry that you had to wait this  Chapter and I promise  I will have another chapter out with next few weeks! I hope everyone is staying safe and if you ever need someone to talk to I am here! Read on my little bookworms!!!!!


Soooo....I haven't updated in a couple of weeks...I'm sorry about that. School started for me last week and the work load is tremendous!!! I knew AP and honors classes are a lot of work but I don't even have time to spend with my family!!! Anyways...once I get myself a schedule of how and when to do my work, I will be posting chapters again... until then pray for me!!!!!


Don't know if y'all noticed, but I finally updated chapter 8 of "one wish" it took me a week to write and edit it because it is over 4000 words!!! You read right, 4000 words!!!! The chapters will only get longer trust me. Hope y'all enjoy and make sure to comment, vote and share!!!


If you died I wouldn't be at your funeral , I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you .
          We are true friends , we live together , we die together .
          Send this to 15 amazing people !


@alphawolf1awesome  awwww :) if u did that then you would meet my crazy best friends cause they would do the same thing!