
Pretty sure it's time I got back to trying to get my stories done, I have technically begun to rework all of them, don't ask I just really wanted my works to feel less from when I was younger. I will leave the original's up until I finish working on at least the first chapter of my rewrites, but please enjoy.


Pretty sure it's time I got back to trying to get my stories done, I have technically begun to rework all of them, don't ask I just really wanted my works to feel less from when I was younger. I will leave the original's up until I finish working on at least the first chapter of my rewrites, but please enjoy.


So Hello All. I decided to redo a story I started so many years ago. It was kind of just not holding to the vibe I wanted. So now I have restarted it and only chapter one is up, but I would love to hear your feedback especially if you read the original version and the start I had then :) It's called Secrets, ch.1 Welcome Home


This isn’t a read request.
          Write about something you enjoy that you like doing...something that is fun to you. Whether that be reading, comics, writing, instruments, music, video games, dancing, singing, playing board games, and so on.
          When you finish the chapter send me the chapter either by messaging me on Wattpad. My Wattpad account is @CampIsFun or email me at there is no deadline but I would prefer you do it before October. There is no word limit.


Hey guys just thought I'd say I have an ig profile where I post a lot of my own idk thoughts I guess is a simple explanation words and mottos I believe my thoughts keep feelings if you really want to get to know me..  Then you should check it out  so_many_randomn_thoughts


Which one of your books would you like me to read first?  Are sure to tag me so I can get a notification 


@Lazy_Dream_Chaser has i couldnt type
             obvi when i sent that i meant i actually spend time with the elderly


@Lazy_Dream_Chaser lol I'm 17 and I actu sworn time with old people 