YAAAHH Guys finals are tough! I have two weeks holidays and therefore 2 whole weeks to study ugh I have this. I don't have any problem with languages but it' very different with math and maybe a bit with German. No matter how much I study, I can't get better grades than D's and even F's (my math anxiety is pretty high, I mostly have a panic attack before the test) A big fault in why I can't concentrate is cause I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday (yes, I have a doctor phobia. It's literally always at the back of my head, in front of my eyes I always see me getting the worst news from the doctor that I'm ill and whatnot and I can't turn it down. I hate this so much. But oh well, I hope you're all doing okay. Also, I never noticed that being an Army would get me so many friends lol. I met an Army at the manga shop in my city, and 15 minutes after talking she suddenly shouted over to two other girls in front of the BTS Isle "DO Y'ALL STAN JIN?" they said yes and boom, 20 minutes later we were eating at McDonalds together, buying Mochis in the asian shop, changing all the backgrounds from phones in the electronics shop wo memes, buying albums and freaking out about photo cards. It was pretty awesome. Hope y'all are happy, see you soon I hope maybe after my finals cause I'll have a whole week to rest after. I'm working on my books (at least trying, mostly late at night after studying)