
Hi everyone!! I recently published my book through KDP and it's now available on Amazon
          	I would love for y'all to support me by buying the book from Amazon 
          	It's alright if you can not afford to but it tho, you can read it on here on Wattpad for free and give me feedback, this one will always remain free <3 
          	Posting the links to both Amazon and Wattpad below:


If you're interested in joining a book club, then please check out! 
          We're a new and budding community and we're currently looking for members for our book club. Please click on the link below if you want an opportunity to grow and improve your writing.


Hi everyone!! I recently published my book through KDP and it's now available on Amazon
          I would love for y'all to support me by buying the book from Amazon 
          It's alright if you can not afford to but it tho, you can read it on here on Wattpad for free and give me feedback, this one will always remain free <3 
          Posting the links to both Amazon and Wattpad below:


Hey everyone, Happy #AutismAwarenessDay!
          This is a good opportunity to inform you that one of the three main characters in "The Book of Requirements" is Autistic. The diagnosis is revealed in the epilogue of the book.
          It wasn't revealed before to show how masking makes people with Autism invisible sometimes, and they're just thought of as "difficult" or "lazy"
          Do check out the book and see for yourselves 


@King-Cem Thank you so much for that ❤


@KeeperSquadWrites yes exactly Autism isn't an Autistic person's only identity, and that's what I've tried to show through my story.
            Additionally, us Autistic females are largely misunderstood and misdiagnosed too. So I wanted to show how an Autistic female's mind works as well.
            Thank you for appreciating ❤


@SapphirePark_ I have a close loved one who is autistic as well. I can confirm everything said here and I thank you for raising awareness for it. I'll be sure to add your book to my library and find time to read it. I'm excited to see an autistic female being represented in a book!


Eyy!! Thank you so so much for voting on A-Could-Have-Been!! This meand a lot to me! :))


@YoungMadeleineH my pleasure  if you have time, please check my stories out too