(OKAY SORRY I RAMBLE OFF AT THE END) OKAY I know probably no one reads these but it makes me more motivated to get things done when I actually post due dates on places. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... The fanfiction I mentioned in the previous post? Let's talk about that in more detail shall we? First of all I'm definitely not going to get the first chapter done by the end of this month... Sorry. I still haven't finished the source material (I STILL haven't finished playing the last chapter of the game and I haven't looked up the ending cuz I don't like spoilers) and I didn't want to pick chapter 1 back up until I finished it. But now I'm still working on chapter 1 despite that. So I'll say I can promise the first chapter to be out by... mid to late next month! If not, early the next. I also kinda pressured myself to limit the outline to 25 chapters but it's too short for my story and makes some character motivations a bit skewed so I'm going to extend the outline so that doesn't happen! Okay! Now onto more detail ABOUT the fic! It's going to be about Kid Icarus (which if you know me should be NO surprise). I honestly don't know what I CAN say about the fic without spoiling anything! I haven't even written a synopsis yet... I'm also going to release it on AO3 which I might focus on more heavily than Wattpad. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm actually slowly losing my grip on reality as I've lost myself in my fic every night and it's so much more interesting than the real worrrrrrld... Also take care of yourselves and don't pay the price of having to run on 3 hours of sleep like I did... It's a first for me and I never want to do it again. However... That was when I got the inspiration to extend the fic... And I came up with a lot of great ideas... No I can't do that intentionally. Its school tomorrow and I'm too tired for that. But I'm sure I'll use this power to my advantage later... Just you wait... immafinishtheoutlinenowbye!