
Hi there, uh, so i don't know how active you are on here but i was hoping you could check out my new book whenever you can make the time to like scroll through whatever, new stuff or anything. It's a fantasy book and i'd really really appreciate some feedback on it cause it's still like, new and not a lot of people are getting to open. Here's the link so you don't have to like, search for it or anything like that.


          The light falls to darkness everyday but it always rises and so will you. 
          ~ perry poetry 
          You might not feel happy all the time but you can always feel the joy, right? You have to know that everything is temporary and same goes to pain. If there's a big storm in your heart, there's always something beautiful with it. Why? There's a rainbow waiting for you and it promises happiness. Every sadness has its own happiness. Thus never give up to always rise and shine like a diamond in your own world. Just to let you know that you're loved by the people around you. 