I heard back about my Levi x Reader, Beautiful Brat, story. According to them someone reported the story as being in violation of content guidelines. I checked the content guidelines and while it definitely was a story that was rated Mature, it was not anything that broke those guidelines. But based on it being reported as a violation they cannot restore the story.
My conspiracy theory brain has a couple of theories that I'm not going to go into here because I'm upset that this even happened.
So I am in a conundrum. I have the story, I can repost it and hopefully whatever vindictive person reported it the first time won't report it a second time. I can repost it with changes to remove parts, but what's the point of that? Or I can repost the last few chapters and the new chapters. Again in hopes whatever vindictive person doesn't report it again.
Please let me know your thoughts. Would you all be ok with having the new chapters even if the whole story wasn't posted? I'm bummed out and upset though.