Hey guys, so it has been raining for sometime now here and i just recently discovered that I have some water damage in my house. So i wont be updating again till probably wednesday. I had to pack away my computer for safety. I even have the 2 chapter 1's for my two newer stories ready to be typed up. So wednesday ill have them typed and ready for yall to read but until then.
          	Thank you for the patience~ 


Hey guys, so it has been raining for sometime now here and i just recently discovered that I have some water damage in my house. So i wont be updating again till probably wednesday. I had to pack away my computer for safety. I even have the 2 chapter 1's for my two newer stories ready to be typed up. So wednesday ill have them typed and ready for yall to read but until then.
          Thank you for the patience~ 


Sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time. Ive been working CRAZY hours at work and haven't had time to do anything. I just got promoted at work so its going to be even more crazy hours for me.  I will try my best to post more. I Promise! Thank you for the patience~


Hey guys I finally posted the first chapter of Akifusa's story in Scarlet Fate. My goodness this story is sooooooo long. Next I am working on chapter 2 of Soji's story in Ninja Assassin. I will try to post each chapter of each story that way I'm not leaving one behind. Plus it will make it much faster till I get to scarlet fate again lol. It will be slow updates for a while since I'm currently on vacation AND when I get back I'll be working crazy hours again but I will work on them on the process. 


ok so i just posted Chapter 3 of Lambert's story in My Sweet Prince. I have been working on Chapter 1 of Akifusa's story in Scarlet fate and i am mostly done with it. Its a reallllly long chapter so it will be another day or 2 before its posted. Im trying to get at least a chapter for each of my stories done.


Hi guys I am extremely sorry for not updating my stories. I have been working alot and never had the time to do them. Since i got a new phone i have to start the games all over again so it might be awhile before i can update the other stories. The one that will have the most updated will be Magic sword since the chapters arent that long.~
           But fear not i am back and determined to continue the stories~


OK so i just added some more story prologues. PLEASE DONT REPORT THEM. THEY ARE MAINLY FOR ME BUT YOU CAN READ THEM IF YOU LIKE. I wont update the others till i have atleast 1 story of Magic sword done which i will begin to update weekly. Chapter 5 of Magic Sword will be up on Wednesday next week instead of friday because of my work schedule.


Sorry thats i havent posted at all. I have a sever writer block and having a job doesnt help when i have no free time to write. I dont know when my next day off will be but i will try and do a chapter of GOTU as soon as i can. So its on hold til further noticed. I will let you know soon.