So for a few months or so now I've been working at our family store during the day from 5 am to usually 6, 7 or 8 pm, I have to say my ADHD really hits me like a truck sometimes especially when we're busy but I'm a very talkative and smiley person so I make the most of it, I'm trying to keep up with everyone but I have gotten in trouble a few times like when I got extra beer without asking our manager if I could give another bottle to the customers I don't usually hand out the change but sometimes I can if I use the calculator or they tell me how much to give out, I can't believe I'll be twenty-five this coming June 5th. I still haven't found a boyfriend and while I've always wanted to have what a lot of my friends have I just don't have the time these days barely even to write, running the store the majority of the day is taking up my time. We had to throw away so much trash, sweep and dust so much stuff today. I get so dirty without meaning to just by sweeping outside or washing dishes and rags. I'm trying not to get my sandals that wet though because I've already broken two pairs.