
Haven't written in a long time but just wanted to vent and not sure where to post. And I know before anyone says anything I could change my situation if I wanted but I my choice for now. Just hate it when mom gives me a paddling in a motel room and you feel everyone here can hear you getting your bottom wore out. Happened this morning, while we are on vacation. So embarrassing!!


Haven't written in a long time but just wanted to vent and not sure where to post. And I know before anyone says anything I could change my situation if I wanted but I my choice for now. Just hate it when mom gives me a paddling in a motel room and you feel everyone here can hear you getting your bottom wore out. Happened this morning, while we are on vacation. So embarrassing!!


Haven't written in a while because I felt like I was upsetting some people by writing about my life. And some evidently do not believe me but I was told I can expect that because my life is a little unusual from most. They think or thought I was writing what they called fiction but it is not fiction. But it is my life and I choose for it to be this way. Maybe some don't believe or understand why I choose to let it stay this way and sometimes I don't understand but I think it is best for me right now. So trying to decide whether to write more or not. I have more to tell about the trail riding trip I took with mom2 and other things too but not sure if anyone really wants to hear. I did get in big trouble and got punished one more time on the trip for something I knew better than to do but did anyways. And have been punished a few more times by her and mom since then. Just not sure what all to tell. Hope you all understand. Thanks for reading this. Love everyone, Sarah