
Hey my new book is out now it is the sequel to The Masked Stranger so be sure to read that first, and if you have already read the Masked Stranger you'll need to reread it because I've been doing some major needed editing.


@SarahG190 New Book is titled the Dorvailian Devil.


I am still editing my book The Masked Stranger, but I've also got a horror book in the works since I've recently felt like expanding my genres although it might just be a short story I don't know it depends on my creative flow.


Okay I don't know why I felt the need to announce this, but it's whatever. I just thought I'd tell you guys I'm now writing the sequel to the masked stranger, cause I've had a whole series plot line stuck in my head for it for like a year and I already have the whole sequel planned I'm currently in the process of writing it, so I'll probably start publishing it soon, because I really have high hopes for it. So please give it a try when I post it it's called The Dorvalian Devil.


@SarahG190 Okay I won't be publishing it soon but you will see a improved version of The Masked Stranger because I am changing a lot about it so that way it is actually good and not trash that I write when I was fourteen. Now it will be decently written by me at 20 don't worry the main plot is the same just changing details and being more descriptive so you can imagine it exactly as I see it.


Attention readers I suggest you read this. 
          I was in the hospital for a few days. I just got out due to a horrible accident. My grandparents died in a car crash tonight. And because of this I will not be updating any of my books for awhile.


Oh my god 
            Theres not really anything i can say that would actually comfort you but... im her for you okay? Message me anytime