
Would anyone like me to update "A Love Like No Other"? I know it's been quite a while, but it's hard to find the motivation when no one is reading it, ya know? I do want to continue it though and eventually finish it.


Would anyone like me to update "A Love Like No Other"? I know it's been quite a while, but it's hard to find the motivation when no one is reading it, ya know? I do want to continue it though and eventually finish it.


I'm sorry my updates are sooo spaced out. I wish I could create a regular updating routine but i've had an extreme case of writers block and just haven't been able to get anything to come out. I hope to finish my requested one shots and start those up again soon, and also to update "A Love Like No Other" for those of you waiting for that. Thank you for being patient with me! School starts again soon for me (Aug. 3rd) but I'm really going to try to keep that from getting in the way. Again, thank you! I hope to have updates coming soon! :D


Wow I haven't been on in forever! I'm sooo sorry for the lack of updates and such, I will start on them immediately! I just had a few things going on in life that kinda took a hold of my time, oops. Thankk you all so much for being patient with me!


Chapter 4 of 'A Love Like No Other' is out! Go ahead and give it a read, and if you like it, please vote! It really helps me out a lot, and makes it easier for me to know the things you guys like and don't like! Hope you enjoy! <3


Hmm. I'm thinking about doing a One Shot series... Should I? I'll probably do three separate ones. One for SHINee, one for One Direction, and one for Dragon Age. If you happen to like my writing, and want a one shot for any member or character in the previously mentioned bands or game, go ahead and give me a message! c: