@waltzqueen Tsuki: Well I thought it would be clear that I'm an exception to keep a wolf locked in a room so, Ive made my own arrangements plus, the day class should be asleep right now. *scratches ear with back paw as a fly lands on it* And even if I am caught, all that will be thought of me is a stray dog prowling around
Mayu: *folds arms* I'll check with Kaname and the Headmaster on that, but if I find out you have gotten into ANY trouble ANYWHERE, you won't be so pleased in the results. Now, be a good little wolf and scram!
@waltzqueen Tsuki: Correction your highness, if I'm caught it's the human's fault for being outside their dorm so late at night. Of course you vampires already know of my existence.
@waltzqueen Tsuki: *watches her from her class* ...(whispering) I will fulfill my destiny and protect her... (Tsuki's family was assigned to protect vampires and to hide that fact Tsuki is mean to ur character)