
Isn't it amazing when a duology comes to mind almost fully formed? I've spent the last four days plotting and fine-tuning this idea because it feels so vivid! I’ll definitely be looking for beta readers for it, and I can't wait for you all to see it!


@SarahRCubitt13 Good luck on your writing journey! It is always an exciting moment when a new idea blooms in your head and you feel all the excitement to pen it down (well, type it down in most cases now), and then finally to share it with others! Best of luck, Sarah! :)


Hi, Sarah! :)
          Thank you for adding my novel Nympha Postmortem and my Cover Shop to your reading list! Your support is much appreciated!


I had to shout them out to any of my followers 


Your covers are unreal! I


Isn't it amazing when a duology comes to mind almost fully formed? I've spent the last four days plotting and fine-tuning this idea because it feels so vivid! I’ll definitely be looking for beta readers for it, and I can't wait for you all to see it!


@SarahRCubitt13 Good luck on your writing journey! It is always an exciting moment when a new idea blooms in your head and you feel all the excitement to pen it down (well, type it down in most cases now), and then finally to share it with others! Best of luck, Sarah! :)