
Not me having 5 history projects all due on the 11th and only having finished 1.


HELLO GIRLL I just saw that cricket had u in her bio fsm, so ig yk or smthdo yk what happend cus she just disappeared like 4 years ago


@Lawyer_Yanfei omg Hello! Yeah, I have no idea what happened to her. The last time we talked was a few days before Christmas in 2020. I don't know if you're still around, but I left for AO3 a few months later.


Idk if you celebrate Christmas or not, but if so merry-almost-Christmas, baby. I know you're probably going through a lot rn, what with your parents divorcing and stuff--but I want you to know I'm here for you (always will be) and that you're appreciated (honestly I feel like I always do this at this point XD).
          I love you, I thank you for all of the kindness you have shown me, and I hope all is well with you. *Hugs and kisses*


@BisexualCricket BABY!!!!! They are trying to fix their relationship, so they decided not to divorce. It's getting better. Thank, you. Happy almost Christmas, darling! (I do indeed celebrate Christmas, thanks for asking!) I love you so much!!! I don't know when I'll be able to talk again because of school, but know that I miss you everyday, love bug!❤❤❤


*Ahem* Hello you beautiful creature! I hope all is well, and just a reminder that I'm here and I love you!


@BisexualCricket It sucks, but my mother deserves better anyway. And you don't need to worry about me, babe. I'm doing okay. Love you!


@SarahSaphire5 Oh, babe, I'm sorry to hear that. My parents tend to argue quite a bit as well, and have even separated a few times in the past. It's hard, so if you ever want to talk I'm here to listen, love. Okay? I mean it. But I'm glad you're doing okay, I was getting worried for a second.


@BisexualCricket I love you too baby! Sorry I haven't been around much, schoolwork and all that biz. Really getting in the way of us, ain't it. Lmao, anyway you're wonderful as always. I think the adults in my life are fighting right now. My parents are probably going to get divorced after this; it's been a long time coming. Hope you're doing great babe!


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Hey . . . just a lil reminder that you're important, loved, like soooo fucking much. And you're smart, even if you got a bad grade on a test. Your beauty is without a doubt ethereal, even if you get a pimple. And most importantly you are an amazing person inside and outside, even if you have your selfish moments--cuz lets be honest here . . . we're all a little selfish at times.
          Did I mention I love you?
          Hope you're doing well, love.


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@BisexualCricket I just had to reboot. I'm so sorry I didn't see this yesterday, love! You are literally the sweetest thing in the world! Holy shit, babe. My heart can't handle it. I love you so much, more than life itself. ❤❤❤❤❤


September 22.
          I finally had a panic attack over school from all the stress. I'm not sure if I should be proud that I made it this long, or disappointed in my self for not lasting longer.


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@BisexualCricket You are so fucking sweet and way to good to me, darling. I can't honestly find the words to tell you how much you mean to me. You are so amazing and supportive. I am so, so blessed to have you as a best friend. I love you so much, and I appreciate that you'll always be there for me. I hope you know that I'll be there for you too, whenever you need. I never thought that I would find the most amazing,  smart, talented individual in the world on a an app for writing books. You are the most important person to me, and I will stand with you in any kind of weather. 
            And yes, I am feeling a lot better, love. I just had to take a step back and realize that I'm okay. I hope you're doing okay too, love. Don't ever think that I'm never going to not put you first. Talk to me whenever you need or want to. I love you, sweetheart.❤


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@SarahSaphire5 Baby, don't ever feel disappointed in yourself for having something as serious as a panic attack. I understand, while I may be doing well at the moment I've had a lot of them in the past few weeks--which is completely understandable. High school is hard, and as much as I wish I can say it'll get easier for you it might not because that's just how school is.
            However, what I CAN say is that never feel disappointed in yourself for that, okay? You lasted longer than you thought you would and that's all that matters. I know it may be hard but try not to let school bother you so much, okay? Because know this, I am here for you if you need to talk, cry, laugh whatever the fuck. Honestly in this short amount of time I've come to know you, you have become one of the most helpful; understanding; and most important person in my life.
            I'm here for you, you're my best friend. I hope you feel better, love <3


It has come to my attention that they only way I get things done is when they are assigned to me by an adult. So, to fix my writing problem, I'm going to write my Bakudeku fanfic for an English assignment and just replace the characters and their personalities! Hooray for school I guess!


It's 1:30 am which means...
          I'M OFFICIALLY 14!!!! Your Virgo two doors down has finally reached her birthday!! 


@BisexualCricket I wish you could be here, sweetheart! That would actually be amazing!! Gosh, you're too sweet, baby. Of course your love and appreciation is more than enough! I love you, babe! Thank you!❤


@SarahSaphire5 BABY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! On this special day dedicated to you and only you I hope you enjoy it, I hope you are shrouded with nothing but love and positive energy my love because you deserve that and so much more. Since I can't actually be there, which would be pretty damn cool ngl, my gift to you today is my love and appreciation for you--which doesn't seem like much but its all I got. I love you, happy birthday. <3