
No problem


Girl... You sure read fast my ShadowxReader book, I'm happy you liked it


@Zaz0u7 Each one has their own way of trying to win over Y/N, Android Shadow at first is confused by what he is feeling for Y/N and starts to blame her for it, but after she explains he becomes a kind of protector of her, not letting anyone get close to her, not even Sonic, Captain Dark flirts and is kind of flirtatious with her, but when she discovers his secret he is afraid that besides her telling the others she would not like him being himself, but he ends up being the total opposite and Terios (Shadow from the Boscage labyrinth) every time he sees her he starts bringing things to her as a way of courting her and every time he sees Sonic he tries to attack or growl at him and he also likes to rub his face on Y/N like a cat. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


@Zaz0u7 I had another story idea this time in the world of Sonic Prime, it's almost the same story as the series, but besides Y/N not being affected by the destruction of the prism, Shadow isn't trapped in the void but rather affected by it along with the others (Y/N and Shadow are already together) and Y/N travels with Sonic to try to fix it, at first she's clearly angry at Sonic for not listening to anyone but then she has to help him solve things. The Shadow from the Nova universe is also transformed into a robot like Rose Rust, but being Shadow he's even more monotonous and relentless than her, in Nowhere Shadow is a pirate captain who is secretly a sea monster and in the Boscage Labyrinth Shadow is a kind of wild hedgehog and because of that he's twice as big as the normal Shadow and he doesn't wear gloves or shoes, just rings and he's the one who kicks everyone out of the forest instead of Amy and what do all the Shadows have in common? They all fall in love with Y/N.


@Zaz0u7 About his alien form (I know you found it kind of disgusting) but I was thinking like this, Y/N and Shadow are married and recently Shadow disappeared leaving the reader worried and searching for him nonstop until the news came out that a creature appeared and is terrorizing Green Hills, so Sonic and the others try to find and capture the creature and the one who ends up finding it is the reader who ends up discovering that this creature is Shadow, he tries to run away but she doesn't let him, he claims that his powers ended up evolving and transforming him into this horrible and scary creature and is afraid that this will be enough for the reader to get a divorce, but Y/N claims that as in the wedding vows she would love him no matter what form he is in for her he is still the same Shadow that I love. (of course if you want).ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ