Omg I've been away for so long...and my devoted reader deserve an explanation. So here is my lousy and awful explanation, which I hope you guys don't go running for your pitchforks afterwards....
I write on my iPad along with using it for school, but it's an old 8gb so the room doesn't go far. I had to delete Wattpad for school stuff because I couldn't part with my precious anime photos...all 3456 of them. Shush. I'm only mildly addicted. Maybe. Anywho, so I was drawn back by the allure of an amazing book that just got published...INDIGO!!!! I started reading it and couldn't stop so I have returned to write again. I don't know if I will be discontinuing my other stories besides Child of Earth, or just keeping them on hold. It really depends on my faithful tell me what you think!!
Beware of VII has been changed to Child of Earth, and there was a double release so go check it out.