MINI RANT I am absolutely devestated, and just utterly furious at how all these innocent civilians/normal everyday people are losing there lives! Millions of people die every day! Isn't that enough?!!! NO! Apparently not, because these bombings, shootings, ECT. Aren't necessary. Whatever happened to "A NATION CREATED AS ONE" ?!!!? Just to see this happen, makes me wonder...what has our world come too?! Have we lost all respect for what really matters in life? Does killing innocent people, for the fun of it, bring joy to these monsters lives?! Will it ever stop? Will there ever be peace between everybody or is that too much to ask?! ------ I'm sorry about that^ I just WANTED...NO, NEEDED to get that off my chest. Believe it or not I cried when I heard what happened, I have family in Europe, all over Europe. And my cousins who live in the center of Manchester, England, located in the U.K were at the Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester Monday night. Luckily and thankfully they weren't badly injured they did get injured but not severely to the point where I could have lost them. It just hurts to think that I could have lost my aunt's and cousins the only real family that care about memy father, sisters, brothers, ECT. And what does all of this accomplish, killing innocent people??! How is any of this still going on, we are destroying ourselves. I just can't stand to live in a world like this. Imagine all the people these family's have lost. Sincerely~ Sarah

Ik, like I'm not promoting suicide or anything but it was a suicide bond (correct me if I'm wrong) and if you want to die then at least don't ruin families before you go. For every person that was killed it impacted a 100 people's lived, whether they were family or friends or someone who just knew them.