Hello everyone! I'm posting this message again because for some reason it vanished after I posted it last time???
I've decided to take a hiatus from Wattpad. If you'd like to keep in touch, please consider following my Twitter https://twitter.com/AuthorSAMacLean for news on my publishing journey, pictures of cats, and updates from my newest fantasy work-in-progress (never posted on Wattpad!).
I have also unpublished Of Foxes and Crows. The book wasn't really getting any engagement, and it was suggested to me by other agented authors who were once Wattpad writers to remove any material related to the book I'm querying, to improve my chances of finding an agent myself.
Thank you all for your support along the way! I'm excited to be pressing forward on the next leg of my writing journey, and I hope there will be good news to share sometime in the future.