Honestly I'm not into the nominations pretty much but I'll do it anyway. I've been tagged by @Violence_In_Silence and for those who I'll tag here, Here are some necessary things to know:
-You must post 13 things about yourself.
-You cannot refuse.
-You shall complete this within a week or you will be given the target of a chosen punishment.
-You must tag 5 humans or more as a requirement.
1- I'm the most complicated, moody and unbearable human creature in the entire existence.
2- I desire studying psychology, philosophy, history, languages, astronomy and literature.
3- Arts is my religion, Music is the anthem, Books are my bible, Writing is my prayer and Poetry is my oxygen.
4- I'm a psycho although I don't look like one.
5- I'm a movie geek, literally.
6- I hate people and always prefer solitude.
7- I'm a multi-talented person.
8- My curiosity would kill me one day.
9- A great believer of "appearance versus reality".
10- Rebel, stubborn and dark-partially-.
11- Desires to give people false impression on me because I never want them to know my real self.
12- Wanderer and appreciate the beauty of everything.
13- Mysterious and an introvert so logically I won't write everything down.
I tag @TheNewMe_Y @sarashaker946 @Nesma786 @MiroMaro3 @HanaElHarouni
P.S: If you've done that before, no need to do it once more.