
@makaykay1436 yeah I'll read it!! And yeah me poor Roxy!!


Hey my wife tell me what you think of my new book first chapter this will be the book we write together ill messege you my user and passwork later on my phone when i get it back and we can write it on here kk bestie also poor roxy i hope she doesent go or i swear i will never ever be the one to make my dad smile ill make him feel bad as crap...


kk i just postedsome books and updates sarah read when you can kk beatiful this is my child everyone sarah ann mahone is my fake chile in my fake family that i created with all my freinds
          ps:this is from ur mother sarah get your butty home now your late
          paa: your grounded and so is your twin david ash 
          jkkjkkjk u dnt have a twin maybe girly


hey i like love you bae and the "Baby project" best book ever other than vampire academy and hey sarah for easter I got tons of cool stuff like you know 15 scarves like 20 paired of colorful knee high and ancle socks and the vampire academy movie and some books woot woot txt me girl