
I forgot to post a new year post yall my phone was NUKED!


          Ive been doing this for a total of 2 years now so far, time really seemed to pass quickly. So many roller coasters had happened to wrap it up, i managed to survive school and had many interesting experiences, we got new annoying dogs for my birthday which is named soju:3 followed by Kierin and both are still young here lol, 
          I got a free trip to baguio again~ had so much fun and really gratefull.
          i got back with my ex on my birthday which was cringe, and broke up with him on september. He dumped me smhh but either way, 
          few weeks after that i met some guy on roblox which REALLY sounds cringe but im gratefull i did, i have some doubts about E due to how insecure i am, yes hes a nice guy like genuinely christian and as odd as it sounds i told him about what happened to my mother which i never told my ex.
          He made a big commitment by telling his family about our relationship. His cousins and siblings only knew so far lol, sometimes i hang out with them and im closest to his sister.
          I finally rode a plane and had a summer trip to my dad's hometown and thats so far my greatest experience.
          My moms side is moving in our neighborhood and is still in process, our house is now better and so our financial situation. I dont have high hopes for this upcoming year and hope it wont be a downfall.
          Past me no, i didnt get traumas but gained new experiences and im very gratefull for this year. I hope i improve myself more this year and get to find true love and meet them, i really hope to get to meet my current boyfriend if it goes well i love him lol. I hope youre doing well future me! I loved this year, goodbye 2023.
          Happy new year!


          Im still processing 2022 rn but so far nothing has changed aside from experiences which were amazing!!<33
          On the star of 2022 i was very much introverted and was super shy which made me miss so many chances but in the start of aug was my back to school thing which made me anxious even from the very past months due to fear of social interaction.But now looking back it was lowkey silly of me since now i have 2 friendgroups and and friend who i dont fear of chatting first to.
          I honestly dont know how i wrote a whole ass pharagraph which made it seem like old me was much more wiser and mature.
          Start of 2022 pharagraph was based from learning more about myself and who i am and preparing for the new responsibilities i have to deal with like school and endless homeworks but now this is dedicated for a big step when it came to interaction since i worried that i wont fit in with the rest.But now i can go out with them and have small little risk of fun like the catterpillar rollercoaster thing we rode.
          Now this comes to an and as i am writing this while my dad sings kareoke and i eat choco sticks and candys like sour stripes and im wishing no traumatic experiences for this year


Thank you so much for voting on my story ! I hope you continue to enjoy it once I start uploading new chapters ! ^^ 
          Have a wonderful day / Night!


@WolfyPotter exactly authors shouldn't control readers appearance and their choice of preference on them^^


@Saranginnie oh thank you !! I really get annoyed when authors pick the clothing as well because I have a really specific style so I always try to make it so who ever reads has most control over looks ^^ 


@WolfyPotter Nice i really liked the way you portrayed the mc she was relatable and chill especially when you didn't specificy the way their clothing(i usually get annoyed by authors like that lol)