
hey sarita long time no see are you gonna update since my last message last month.


@SaritaKumari196 and also make it more epic bring arma 3 and battlefield 3 and 4 character gets into the battle and will launch mission to caves and ruins to save civillian and demi humans that beeing used by goblins as plaything and some as hostage will rescue them will help by special forces.


@SaritaKumari196 glad to have hear  from you lets get that idea story of mine started sarita and lets oblitirate those goblins.


Hey sarita i know you haven't online since last year let me know you doing okay.


@SaritaKumari196 sure thing and also i got some idea you know goblin slayer i know you do where the goblins open gate or portal to our world and open right in america in washington d.c and try to attack people and what those goblins done is a massive mistake they awoken the sleeping giant and the national guard and usmc was respond from the attack and counter offensive againts the goblins and build base in the goblin slayer world and meet goblin slayer and his party with marine force recon rescue missing civilian and demi-human being used as plaything and facing other creature and the year in our world is 2025 hope this give you sarita.


@Razehot okay I am going to publish a part on that story 


Oh okay if you done with your house problem you can continue bismarck story right.