Hello, this is Saros. 
I usualy just read as a silent observer so if you got here from some english coment I made, ✨Congrats✨ you have found a secluded corner of the internet.
Here are a couple things about me :
-I'm gender fluid. I use most pronouns but it changes over the course of the day/days so use they/them when referring to me (unless you're a mind reader, in witch case you may use that to tell that gender I am)
-I like drawing, reading and roleplaying.
-I'm dyslexic and dysgraphic.
-I'm bilingual so in my reading lists you may see french stuff.
-I'm probably dehydrated at the moment.

"That girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills. That girl you just called ugly? She spent hours putting on make-up, hoping people would like her. The boy you just tripped? He's abused enough at home.
See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. The boy you made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. The kid you just called gay? They are and don't need to deal with your homophobia. That kid you called weird? They're going through mental health problems. Put this on your profile if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't put this on your profile, but those with a heart and backbone will. Copy and paste if you would stay up all night to stop someone from committing suicide"

Bonjour, vous pouvez m'appeler Saros.
Quellques choses à savoir à mon sujet :
- Je suis genre fluide. J'utilise presque tout les pronoms mais cela change au cour des jours ou heurs donc quand vous vous référez à moi utilisez iel (sauf si vous pouvez lire dans les pensées, dans ce cas vous pouvez utiliser vos pouvoirs pour voir quel genre je suis).
-J'aime déssiner, lire et faire des RPs.
-Je suis dyslexique et dysgraphique.
-Je suis biligue et la majorité des livres que j'ai lu sont en englais.
- Je suis probablement déhidraté.e.
  • confusion
  • Se ha unidoJanuary 12, 2024

Historias de Saros
Pipeverse collaboration with Abi de SarosTheSnow-Spoken
Pipeverse collaboration with Abi
I am making this multiverse with a few friends, one of which has already started a book in French on this. If...
ranking #81 en idontknowwhattoputhere Ver todos los rankings
Fan art, I think ? de SarosTheSnow-Spoken
Fan art, I think ?
Um, this will be where I put fan art. Yeah.
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