
Hey everybody, Sarox here! 
          	I just wanted to thank you all for bringing Soul Driver up to 100 reads!
          	It's not really a big milestone to be honest, but you celebrate the small victories right? 
          	Anyway, thank you!


For those who have followed my stories, you've noticed that Rising From Gravity is on hiatus. The reason for this is because I just can't keep up.
          I've lost that spark that I had in the beginning. I want to move onto other things but I want to keep my fans happy too.
          But I won't be deleting the story, but I will reduce the story to make it a little easier for me. But for now, I'll be working on some new things.
          This is Aero_Dragneel, signing out.


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that your day is filled with candy canes, awesome presents and good cheer and your families!
          Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my friends for such an awesome two years on Wattpad.
          Thank you all, so much! 


@Aero_Dragneel Aww thanks. Mele Kalikimaka!