
To all my lovely readers/followers please check out my friends work. Screen name: Verbum95, Story name: A Tale Of A Lucid Dream. It's worth a read, I'm already waiting for the next part. Sarah x


Hey. Just sent you a message, but I figure I post it here too in case you don't get a chance to read it. I know it's probably been a while since you've update the fanfiction 'Gracie' (and you're probably super busy), but I was wondering if there's gonna be anymore updates? I wanna know what happens to Gracie. The story left us on a cliffhanger at the moment when Liam finds Gracie drunk and Gracie passes out in Liam's arms. What happens next??
          This fanfiction is a really good fanfiction. I've read it and voted for all the chapters you've written so far. I think you're a really good writer. The plot is very descriptive and detailed with twists and turns and suspense, which I really love. Anyway, if you ever need any help getting some ideas down, let me know and I'll see what I can think of so we can finish this amazing fanfiction :D


To all my lovely, patience readers, there will be a new chapter up in within the next week or two for Gracie, it all depends on my work. I'm also still in the process of editing the previous chapter of my story Gracie, & converting it to a none 1D story. As well as that I'm working on my other story Trouble for my sister & the Trouble readers. Sarah x