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I just got a notification that my friend sent an update announcement on Wattpad, so I thought I should post an update too! I haven't updated since May, but guess what: I wrote my book til 80K words, and then I read back some and I absolutely fucking hate the plot, I hate how the characters were not planned properly beforehand, so I'm starting from scratch with the planning stage, and then next year I can start writing! I've started 9th grade now, and damn is it hectic. Next year though, is 10th grade, and I'll have these weird things called BOARD EXAMS! AHHHHH! But the teachers say that if we get through 9th and 10th grade successfully, 11th and 12th grade will be a walk in the park, or as Indians say, a "cakewalk". So during some parts of my life, I will completely cut off from writing or posting YouTube videos or Instagram posts and I will truly commit myself into schoolwork and studying, and when that period in my life is over, I will expand my horizons a little bit more. Also I've quit every book that's on my Wattpad rn, and want to move on and instead write self-help and a nice fiction series which will be rly rly long and become a movie and yuhhhhhh that's awesome. And for an update: I will be writing a whole book about INFJs, that's for sure, don't worry--but it will be a real life published book, because money, duhh. And I will definitely publish a book of poems and short stories, and of course a rly big dream diary and other sorts of books about me and what I like, so stay tuned. But now I have an undying passion to start a band and become lead singer. That's my life's dream, and as scary as it is, we only have one life. So I want to make the most of mine. I never waste even ONE day because I know that life is short--but it's long enough to make all your dreams come true. So if you haven't already, follow me so we can make our dreams a reality together! < 3

@StormEye_111 i know—ib is hard enough, i could never imagine being in cbse…good luck tho heheh!