
Haven't updated since February, but bro, damn are things changing. I can see many differences from my past self and me, and every DAY I change for the better.
          	Life has finally gotten exciting, but unfortunately, not for you guys (yet). I am in the process of writing The Hazenburgh Killer, which may not be the final title, which is, of course, a thriller with suspenseful plotlines, but also a school comedy based around a group of eight kids, and it mainly focuses on the deep relationships of all of the characters (friendships, siblings, family, romantic love...all of it's in this book). It also explores the themes of heartbreak, grief, loss, and has such an entertaining storyline with iconic dialogues you would NOT want to miss! Stay followed, because most likely by the end of this year, or by the middle of 2025, the book will be out on Wattpad...or, if I want to, I can wait for a few years and get it ACTUALLY published, like a physical copy, and maybe an audiobook, make a movie based on it...YES!
          	We'll see what I decide to go with. Just STAY FOLLOWED.


Haven't updated since February, but bro, damn are things changing. I can see many differences from my past self and me, and every DAY I change for the better.
          Life has finally gotten exciting, but unfortunately, not for you guys (yet). I am in the process of writing The Hazenburgh Killer, which may not be the final title, which is, of course, a thriller with suspenseful plotlines, but also a school comedy based around a group of eight kids, and it mainly focuses on the deep relationships of all of the characters (friendships, siblings, family, romantic love...all of it's in this book). It also explores the themes of heartbreak, grief, loss, and has such an entertaining storyline with iconic dialogues you would NOT want to miss! Stay followed, because most likely by the end of this year, or by the middle of 2025, the book will be out on Wattpad...or, if I want to, I can wait for a few years and get it ACTUALLY published, like a physical copy, and maybe an audiobook, make a movie based on it...YES!
          We'll see what I decide to go with. Just STAY FOLLOWED.


Hey guys. Long time no see? So, remember when I used to have like forty books on here? Well, that was back when I was a crazy, lazy, and cringy person. Now that I've started 2024, I realize that most of the books have no concept or idea. So I've basically unpublished all of my books, only two remain, and THAT is because...
          I HAVE BEEN SECRETLY WRITING A BOOK OFF OF WATTPAD! And the first draft is almost COMPLETE! Be prepared because in November, I'm gonna be participating in the NaNoWriMo challenge, and I'm going to make this first draft first, then enter the second draft in the challenge.
          GET READY FOR A CHAOTIC THRILLER, A TALE OF EIGHT KIDS, MIDDLE SCHOOL COMEDY, AND LOVE STORY ALL IN ONE! The Hazenburgh Killer is in the works! Follow so you never miss an update. Peace out <3


Okay the July chapter of SvayTimes is out! Also I’m planning to rewrite SvayTimes in August because I heard that the limit for book chapters on Wattpad is 200, and if I write a chapter per month, this book will fill up soon! So yeah I’ll notify y’all when I rewrite the book but for now have fun reading this chapter.