Hi, ich habe auf meinem Profil ein alternatives Ende zu der Serie attack on titan geschrieben. Ich würde mich freuen wenn du es lesen und bewerten würdest. :)
@Saskia935 my apologies, I have been busy of late and my german isn't peak yet haha but i am getting better. With that said, i will definitely read through soon as i am excited to see how it goes, I'm sure it is great!~ :D your english is very good do not worry.
@xXZylithXx When you're reading my story make sure to leave some comments. :D I'd like to see some feedback or other comments at my story. ^^ Also feel free to comment in english. I mean I'm bether with german, but english works well too. I mean we're writing in english right now. xD So if you can make sense of my english, that should work. xD