Hi its me Saskia Howell!!!!111!!!

I like totally love danisnotonfire, we are def married but like he just doesn't know yet!

Oh by the way Becca is such a biatch, she keeps trying to steal my boyfriend and its like, totoally not cool.

1D are the best band ever LOLZ and I want harry styles in my bed

A lot of people keep telling me that my profile picture isn't me but in first grade Becca pushed me off a slide so like yea

One time I put itch powder in Becca's hoodie and booby said she has rabies

I met Alfie deyes last week and like, he would totally be better with me than Zoe

<3 I wish my dad would buy me another pony, I only have 6, hes such a meanie #worstparentever
  • JoinedAugust 27, 2014
