In the morning while taking a bath, A question revolved, beauty is what? All our life we’ve been walking down the wrong path, To be beautiful with ourselves we fought Beauty is not on the surface, beauty is not worth it. Beauty is your natural self; C’mon embrace it! Beauty is everything you can see, It is in everything you can feel. It is everything you were once afraid to be Then why do you wonder.. beauty isn’t in me? Big nose or small nose, Still as pretty as a rose, I say. Dark skin or fair skin, we all slay. You still are wonderful, straight or gay; Small lips or plump ones, just don’t be fake. Ugly isn’t a word, unless you mean personality, You can’t eat makeup this is reality. You were taught to grow, grow to be beautiful; But little did you know, Life is about being grateful Grateful to the people who are there for you You are beautiful, you are amazing Dont let people bring you down Just because they’re jealous of your well being If you ever feel ugly, cry on my shoulder But just know..... Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. -sincerely, written by a bored girl in math period

@SassyGooGooGaGa you know... Recently I've been suffering a great deal because of it.. my youtube is clustered with videos about skin... A fee days ago I rubbed my skin so hard it tore and its been burning ever since...! How uncanny of you to post this just when I needed someone to tell me to embrace myself the way I am!