I've been on and off this platform so much. I tell myself that I'll get online and read, I'll pick up the pen and write, I'll get out of bed. It's been so hard. I thought was getting somewhere, I thought I had managed to pick up the pieces. I thought I picked them all up, but they fell. All the pieces fell back on the floor and even opening my eyes in the morning or turning to a more comfortable position in my bed as I sleep is hard. I don't want to die, I want to live my life beautifully but eveything is clouded. I've been having suicidal thoughts so much and I really try to shake them off but everything is so heavy. So now, I won't make any promises or commitments at all because I don't know where the energy to follow through will come from. Anyone who has followed me while I was away, thank you. People who've voted on my work, thank you too. Before anyone says seek family, I can't. My siblings don't understand and my parents clearly do not care at all. I feel so sad, empty and alone.