so according to people in my Spanish class im "a freak that deserves to burn in Hell".
and im, "gay so I need to die"
this is driving me closer and closer to ending it all.
I cant take this anymore.
everyone makes fun of me because of what I am, what I say, what I wear, what I carry around school, who I like, ect.
im gay and im not scared to show it, I have my words u have yours, I like black hoodies, I like my stuffed animals, I love my princess and im not scared to tell her.
i know I deserve to die but why do you have to keep telling me?
people say, "we love you". yet they turn around and ignore me until they have no one else.
they tell me, "I'll always be ur friend." then they go and forget about me.
I stick by my friends till they want me to leave.
I know im annoying and stupid and fat and ugly and unwanted and unloved and a waste of space and a mistake and a freak and bitch and a fagot and mean and broken and many other things along the lines of my looks/attitude/language.
im thinking that its best if I weren't around. only 3 people would care.
my crush,
my sister,
and my great grandmother.
it would be easy to forget me. everyone else does.
I don't even know why I wrote this. no one cares.
. *